Monday, May 23, 2011

CR 04

The past two weeks in Design 200, we have been working strictly on our Coleman projects. It has been very challenging but also very fun and inspiring. The design our group came up with really got us all excited and brainstorming like crazy. I think we came up with so many ideas we hardly knew what to do with all of them and how to incorporate each one. Once we decided on our final result, at times it was difficult to throw away ideas and stick to the simple ones that we actually needed. I truly like our product and how it relates to a product that Coleman consumers probably already use in the camping world. For me, Coleman is so synonomous with camping and the simplistic nature of the outdoors, that I knew our product had to be similiar to this mindset. Our product the ustemsil, is extremely similar to the Swiss-Army knife. The idea behind the Swiss-Army knife is that within one compact little unit you get multiple uses. That is the same thought process we had with the ustemsil. I liked how my group had the ability to create packaging that reusable and smart, yet still small in size. The Coleman project as a whole has been a fun and intriguing topic. I like that our indoor product has to be transformed for the indoors, yet keep the same audience. Throughout Design 200 we have been learning about product design and how to make things better and how to make packaging reusable; now that we had the opportunity to actually create something with a group was awesome. I think our product is innovative and unique and I am very excited to present it to the class!

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