Monday, May 9, 2011


These past two weeks, I have really enjoyed the material being covered in class. First and for most, I love love loved the Girl Talk video. I thought it was incredibly interesting and so, unbelievably cool. I have been a fan of Girl Talk for awhile now and to see Gregg in his natural environment and teaching his audience how he creates his music and where he gets his ideas from was amazing. On top of that, the whole world of copyrighting and stealing music was a topic that I kind of understood but had always wanted to learn more about. It completely shocked me. All the restrictions put on not only musicians but illustrators and other artists as well is unreal. It seems like in today's society it is nearly impossibly to come up with something original without having to copyright someone else's work. One of my favorite artists, Radiohead, was also brought up in the video. Their album, In Rainbows, was released to the public essentially for free, and consumers were allowed to say how much they wanted to pay for it. I remember "buying" this album and wondering why they would ever do such a thing. After watching this video on copyrights and legal issues within the music business it all makes sense. Both Gregg Gillis and the creator of the video prove a great point, we are all constantly remixing and reworking old pieces of work to recreate something new. The last shocking part of this film for me was the restrictions Disney put on all creations after his own. I was a huge Disney fan, but that type of ownership seems not only unfair but illegal.

Besides the video, the speakers from Design Circle and Cobego were awesome! Even though I am only thinking about minoring in design and they mainly talked about getting through the design major, it was still such a help to hear what they had to say. The most inspiring part for me was actually the fact how many times they changed their mind. I feel like I wake up everyday with a new idea or career path that feels better for me, and when I heard them all talk about how many years it took for them to decide and how many different majors they switched out of I felt a huge feeling of relief. I enjoyed Design Circle's discussion of trying again until you get what you want, and going with your first instinct. The guys from Cobego made me realize your first idea is not always the best and your first instinct may always be wrong. After hearing from these speakers, I feel a lot better (and less stressed) about my decisions within the Design Minor and even with my other academics in school.

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